This is my second career. I had my own design import business for 12 years until the economy dropped in 2008. I took some time off to try to figure out what I wanted to do next and in searching found this site called, Etsy!
I was inspired by a soap made by a lady in England. I ordered it and thought it was beautiful and then a light bulb went off in my head...HEY! I could do this!
I researched, read, took courses all over the country. I was hooked! Soon after my initial batches, I got my first customer. My initial order was 1000 bars!
In August 2010, I took a booth at the NY Int'l Gift Show and won as a finalist in the Bath & Body Section's 'New Products' category.
When I started I had a one bedroom apartment in NYC - but now I live on the south shore of Long Island...My rescue terrier, Julia, and I wake up each morning to the edge of a Wetland Preserve...bramble bunnies, fox, the occasional snapping turtle, tons of birds, geese, swans, hawks, racoons...we all co-exist like so many creatures in a fairy tale wonderland.
Since my initial days of soap - I followed my heritage and now formulate lotions and creams that many, many customers buy time and again.
Funny how life evolves - my great grandfather, grandfather and Dad were/are all chemists!
And even now, after having crafted thousands of soaps - I get silly, giddy, crazy excited when I tear open a new bar, lather up and see the bubbles of my creation in my hands!
I hope you enjoy my products as much as I did crafting them!